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About Us

Pedey in Houston Alaska

About Us

We are a family-run small fisheries business that got our start on the production end of things –“longlining” for Halibut in the Gulf of Alaska, seining for herring around Kodiak Island and using pots (traps) to catch crab and shrimp in Prince William Sound. Over 30 years ago we moved shoreside, operating a processing plant where we specialized in air shipping live King crabs to North American and Asian markets. Along the way we also produced various specialty items, such as whole cooked king crab, salmon caviar (ikura), salmon milt, cod milt (shirako) and sea urchin roe (uni).


I rescued Pedey in 2014. He was a scrappy little guy that likely picked a fight with a coyote in Southern California. And, he had puncture wounds and plenty of scars to prove it when I adopted him. Not quite three years later, Pedey was diagnosed with heart failure (HF) and degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD).* My little guy now had a cardiologist! She stressed the importance of a low-sodium diet. This would help keep fluid off his heart so it wouldn’t have to work extra hard. I started reading the labels on his food and learned that pet food labeling requirements did not include sodium content. I reached out to several pet food companies to determine sodium content in their food and treats. It was challenging to find high quality food that was low in sodium. Single ingredient freeze-dried treats were one of the few commercially made treats I knew would be safe for him to eat. After 30 years of experience in the seafood industry in Alaska, I knew we had some of the best seafood available on the planet. It was only natural to add pet treats to our product line up.

*If you have a dog that has been diagnosed with mitral valve disease, MightyHeartsProject.org provides a wealth of information and a wonderful, supportive community to manage and combat this terrible disease.



Cinder was adopted from my late mother-in-law. He was a Bombay cat that looked like a little black panther. He was affectionate and liked to join us on the couch to watch TV, although I think he left most of the TV watching to us. At the end of the day, he would follow us up to bed and “hog” much of the bed for himself. In the morning Cinder would sit at the top of the stairs waiting to join us for breakfast and at the end of the workday, he would wait patiently on the windowsill for us to return home. Cinder was truly a loyal little buddy. We purchased treats for him in addition to his regular food. As he aged, we noticed that after eating the treats he would often get sick and spit them up. Out of curiosity I read the ingredients list on the package and was shocked by the long list of unrecognizable and unpronounceable ingredients.

Operating a seafood processing company has given us access to some of the finest seafood Alaska has to offer and lucky for Cinder, we would bring home salmon and sometimes even king crab for him to eat. He loved it and most importantly it did not make him sick. As he got older and his appetite decreased, we would crumble freeze-dried salmon over his regular food to encourage him to eat. It really helped. Cinder’s experience was the motivation to make the best possible treat, without chemicals or preservatives.

Cinder and Pedey have inspired us to embark on a new venture – to produce pets treats from wild Alaskan seafood, the healthiest stuff on the planet! We appreciate your support!